In Portfolio

How to Build Engaged and Empowered Communities with Countable

As more of our lives are spent on the web, we gravitate towards social networks and media sites with hopes and expectations of connecting, getting inspired, taking action. But often, online gatherings fall short. The connections we make are fleeting. Transactional. Moments become memes. Texts fill in for conversations. Content ignites audiences and then dumps them back, IRL, many times feeling even more disconnected and powerless to make a difference.

Countable was founded out of a conviction that a different way is possible. Over the years, the Countable team has developed a deep understanding of the dynamics of online communities. This includes what charges these gatherings, what motivates them to act. But more than that – and this is something many attempted online communities get wrong – Countable understands what it takes to inspire the sustained trust of communities online. Think of it as the art of online gathering. But since we’re a tech product company, there is obviously a lot of science involved, too.

New eBook

This eBook offers a look behind the curtain, revealing both the art and science of online gathering. What is the significance of that knowledge? For the marketer, it means building brand loyalists and advocates. In the case of businesses, it means retaining your employees and building team satisfaction. For impact organizations, it means mobilizing your most passionate believers in change. 

In the conversations below, you will learn from four different engagement experts. These include Countable team members who have inspired online movements and moved the needle toward positive social impact. Also included are partners who have built digital clubhouses for passionate live communities and engineered the components of powerful online experiences. You will have the chance to consider issues of authenticity, the idea that communities are the future of tech, and why the next generation of online gathering will increasingly blur the line between digital and physical.
The way we gather online matters. Here’s to better communities and connections.

The podcast

If you want to hear these conversations for yourself, check out the Mighty Capital Podcast. Subscribe via your favorite podcast hosting service, or by clicking the links below: 

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Above text excerpted from eBook Foreword by Countable CEO and Co-Founder Bart Myers.