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The Full Ratchet Podcast: Creating Powerful Networks, 3 Rules for Great Products, and the Future of Mobile Tech

SC Moatti was honored to recently be a guest on The Full Ratchet hosted by Nick Moran. In this interview, SC talks about the following: 1. Products That Count, a nonprofit community of over 25,000 Product Manager’s, has added enormous value for SC’s portfolio companies by giving them access to the product expertise and purchasing power of the community members. 2. Time management and engaging with contacts on a personal level has been most essential for SC to maintain her network. 3. SC’s 3 step process of joining, shaping and driving conversations through multiple outlets to successfully build a larger network. 4. Technology is an extension or ourselves, therefore SC poses the question of “What makes a good human being?” when determining products that are great. 5. SC's 3 rules of the most successful products. The Body, products having efficiency and universality. The Spirit, products creating a personalized and meaningful experience. Lastly, The Mind, technology that will learn and grow as we do. 6. SC’s book “Mobilized” shares examples and case studies on how to successfully use her 3 rules to create a great product. 7. The importance of shifting from a tech driven “wow factor” product to a user-generated content approach in order to keep people engaged. 8. Mighty Capital brings value to their portfolio companies by accelerating revenue through an understanding of go to market strategies and utilizing the Products That Count network to provide valuable expertise. 9. SC’s determines a good product market fit when the beginning stages of a repeatable offering are present. 10. The approach of asking yourself “Am I the customer?” when evaluating companies that have good traction and a strong user base but a seemingly weak product. 11. SC predicts that the data sourcing and recognition abilities of today’s mobile technology will open the door for innovations and opportunities in the health and genomics space. 12. SC doesn’t monetization for the VR and AR technology trends and predicts they are certain to phase out. 13. The emergence of “mega phones” and the need to constantly get bigger and more robust, SC views as an innovators dilemma that will cause disruption.