If you've ever heard SC Moatti discuss product, you can probably tell she's written a book on it. And dedicated her career to it. Though an electrical engineer by education, SC became an early product leader at Facebook, Nokia and Electronic Arts, where she built products that billions of people use. Andrew Chen of Andreessen Horowitz called SC “a genius at making products people love," and wrote a book on building for the digital work. As the Founding CEO of Products That Count and Founding MP at Mighty Capital, she's also helped influence and guide hundreds of thousands of leaders on the products defining tomorrow. All this experience has led to some of her most insightful takes on everything from product-market fit to blockchain. This week, she sat down with Scott McGrew from NBC's Sand Hill Road podcast to talk about it.
- Finding product-market-fit is a myth: Entrepreneurs have to continuously improve and upgrade their product to meet their customer needs; there is no line in the sand between finding product-market-fit and growth.
- What makes a good product: Why do we use Zoom over Google Meet? It's not as rational you think...
- Blockchain: SC has been writing about blockchain since 2014 and believes that it will be the next wave of innovation that has the potential to capture all of our interactions.