Jeremiah Grossman

Founding CEO

Key value-add: awesome board member and lead investor

Jeremiah Grossman

Founding CEO

BitDiscovery runs a cutting-edge platform for website asset inventory and portfolio management. Their product automates continuous scanning of Internet-connected assets, swiftly identifying security issues and alerting security teams in real-time whenever portfolio changes occur.

Mighty Capital first connected with BitDiscovery Founding CEO Jeremiah Grossman through an introduction by Aligned Partners, who invited us to co-lead their oversubscribed funding round, knowing that our network of over half a million product managers would be invaluable. Following our investment, Jeremiah was featured on the award-winning Products Talk podcast, significantly boosting BitDiscovery’s brand visibility. Shortly thereafter, BitDiscovery earned recognition at the 2022 Product Awards, a coveted celebration of top products by product managers produced by Products That Count.

Just about a year after its funcing round, BitDiscovery announced its acquisition by Tenable, a company who’s CPO Nico Popp won a CPO Award, another recognition produced by Products That Count.

"I choose my investors very carefully and Mighty Capital is a strong combination of domain knowledge, a founder-friendly culture, and access to a huge audience of security buyers”